Recruiters Will Eventually Be Technologists

There is a lot of debate over whether machines will eliminate the need for recruiters.  One side argues that removing the human touch will negatively impact a company's ability to recruit.   The other side thinks that automating parts of the hiring process will create more time for recruiters to interact with candidates on a more personal level.

I happen to believe that those who debate this topic aren't thinking far enough into the future. 

I subscribe to the belief that most recruiters will eventually be technologists and that the majority of the hiring process will be fully automated.   In time, just like using an ATM,  candidates will become accustomed to using a software interface to get a job.   I think this will improve the candidate experience because it will mean less wait, more accurate assessments, and fewer errors in the hiring process. 

The reason I have such a hard stance on this is because I've already seen parts of the hiring process fully automated.   

Earlier this year I watched a software tool compete against the top sourcers in the world.   The technology did in 3 seconds what the human sourcers did in 7 hours with roughly the same accuracy. 

This week I also saw a software tool post a job, collect applicants, conduct an assessment, stack rank the candidates and schedule an interview with a hiring manager in 7 minutes.    

In the very near future, recruiters will be technologists who manage software, not requisitions.  They will intervene to help candidates who are having trouble or hiring managers who need some training, but they won't be finding, evaluating or prepping candidates.   

That will be done by machines.   

It happened in the manufacturing sector.  It's happening in the grocery checkout aisle.  It's about to happen to the trucking industry.   And it's coming to HR next.