Chris Russell from RecTech Media and James Colino sat down to discuss talent acquisition at Sheetz, RecOps and James’ book about RecOps.
Listen to the Episode on RecOps Below:
talent acquisition TOPICS DISCUSSED:
Give the audience a sense for how many people do you hire every year?
Biggest hiring challenge you face hiring for this type of job?
How does Sheetz use hr technology to facilitate hiring…(walk us thru your hr tech stack)
Landing pages for jobs…talk about that example/how did it work out?
Any cool tech you are thinking about installing?
Where can people learn more about the book or RecOps in general?
So let’s talk about your book. Why did you write it and who is it for?
What is RecOps?
Can you expand a little bit on the skill set someone would need to be a RecOps practitioner?
Recruiting is a very technology driven process these days how does the book help TA leaders to embrace and adopt TA technology?
Landing page: